

Inky:  Me heading to work…

Toon: as noted:  Mike Kafe




funnyminion com

Toon: found at funnyminions.com

Doing: working on the manuscript, drinking coffee, and missing the millions.

the muse…

art heals wounds

The muse is not an angelic voice that sits on your shoulder and sings sweetly. The muse is the most annoying whine. The muse isn’t hard to find, just hard to like – [he] follows you everywhere, tapping you on the shoulder, demanding that you stop doing whatever else you might be doing and pay attention to [him].

Truism: Harlan Coben
Image: found at art heals wounds

Inky: Mine loves to play hide and seek.  He’s elusive when I want to work, but when I begin to get interested in something else he is the most annoying, bratty, impossible man to ignore.

Doing? nursing a Irish Coffee, heavy on the Irish.  Stereo is going full blast, throbbing ‘Despacito‘ while I ignore my muse’s frustrated whines.   It’s Friday folks. The weekend has started, finally.


 'Don't make me come back there!' Time machine future/past.

My Muse told me he is classified as an ‘Agent of Fortune’.  He is a Traveler who is tasked with inspiring and influencing his person, ‘me’, to make beneficial decisions to their spiritual and physical futures.

He went on to say that as the legend goes, the male muse is cursed because he has seen or been to the future and knows what will happen. Even so he cannot make his person choose the right thing, or make the right decision.  He can only hope to steer me along the right path.

Quirks range from time not affecting them as it does others causing them to phase in and out, sometimes in social situations and the tendency to be irritatingly positive in the worst of situations.

– crickets chirping –

Well it sounded good three bourbons ago….

Definition of ‘male muse’: found in the Urban Dictionary, seriously
Image: Cartoon Stock